Gebruikte kranen

As a crane construction specialist, BKRS Crane Systems builds high-quality cranes and crane systems. For example, it often happens that a crane that has been used for a project still functions perfectly after the project has ended. These cranes are being re-marketed by BKRS as second-hand cranes. In this way, BKRS contributes to a circular economy.

Reliability is a guarantee

As soon as a crane or crane system comes back to us, it is first extensively checked. Before the crane goes on resale, the crane is inspected again according to the machine guidelines. In this way, we ensure that only reliable cranes come onto the market. If you buy a used crane from us, you are therefore guaranteed an approved crane!


This page shows the range of used cranes. Is this not the faucet you are looking for? Feel free to take a look at our new construction of cranes, or contact us using the form in the tile below.

Different occasions

BKRS Crane Systems offers different types of used cranes for sale. For example, in recent years we have been able to reuse the following types of cranes and tools:
1. Used gantry cranes
2. Used overhead cranes
3. Used suspension Cranes
4. Used jib cranes

Want to know more?

Would you like to learn more about our solutions for lifting work in your workshop? We are happy to talk to you and think along with you about the ideal solution for your challenge. Please feel free to contact us for this.